Press Release

Burns & Levinson Named to BTI’s Client Service A-Team

April 13, 2023


Boston, MA, April 13, 2023 – Burns & Levinson has been named an unparalleled leader in client service in the new BTI Client Service A-Team: Survey of Law Firm Client Service Performance 2023. The firm was one of 200 law firms that top legal decision makers rank as delivering the best client service in the activities they value most, consider most important, and have the most influence on hiring and rate decisions.

According to BTI, “Client service is certainly the biggest differentiator among law firms despite any uncertainty in the world. It drives more referrals and inbound leads than any other source.”

With over 650 law firms competing for business at large companies – those with over $600 million in revenue – the firms in the BTI Client Service A-Team perform better than 70% of all law firms. Burns & Levinson was particularly a “Standout” in four key customer service metrics that clients say drive superior client relationships.

“We are thrilled that our excellent client service has been recognized by leading GCs from across the country. We have a hands-on, entrepreneurial style of lawyering that we believe is unique to our firm,” said Paul Mastrocola, co-managing partner at Burns & Levinson. “With a partner-driven client service model, clients work directly with our most experienced attorneys to find solutions to their most challenging problems.”

The BTI Client Service A-Team 2023 rankings are based solely on objective, unprompted feedback from the highest-ranking legal decision makers at large companies with $1 billion or more in revenue. BTI conducted in-depth, telephone-based interviews from September 2022 to February 2023 with more than 350 GCs and their direct reports, chief legal officers, and other legal decision makers across industry segments.

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