Press Release

Burns Attorney Deborah Peckham Named to the WTR 1000 2021 List of the World’s Leading Trademark Professionals

February 18, 2021

Boston, MA, Feb. 18, 2021 – Two Burns & Levinson partner Deborah Peckham has been named to the prestigious World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000 list of the world’s leading trademark professionals. Peckham, who co-chairs the firm’s Intellectual Property Group, was selected in the trademark prosecution and strategy category. According to WTR, Burns & Levinson is a “small and nimble firm that does a great job for clients.” WTR added that, “Peckham knows her way around the high-technology sector and procures strong trademarks for innovative companies – and protects them rigorously.” The WTR 1000 is exclusively dedicated to identifying the world’s leading trademark legal services providers. Individual practitioners qualify for inclusion in the WTR 1000 solely on receiving positive feedback from market sources. The extensive research process encompasses over 80 global jurisdictions and was conducted over a four-month period by a team of full-time analysts and involved over 1,700 telephone interviews with trademark specialists across the globe. “Trademarks are key tools through which businesses can protect the goodwill and reputation inherent in their brands and build and maintain demand for their products and services. As a result, external advisers play a crucial role in developing and implementing brand strategies for both local and international markets and in protecting these vital assets in the face of infringement,” said Nicholas Richardson, research editor for the WTR 1000. “It is thus imperative to choose the best legal counsel and the WTR 1000 serves as an essential guide in today’s brand-focused economy – as well as highlighting the health of the trademark marketplace.”

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